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Why less is more - the teachings

This is a classic saying/quote. However, upon further study, we find that it's never ending. We can always apply it even more than we think. THE ONE THING. Do less to experience more of life. And a life of ease. Make progress over a long period of time. It might take less time since we're able to focus and pay attention more when we don't have a hundred different things going on. Knock over the first domino and we're golden.

In yoga there is a teaching, Abhyasa - the effort of practice, that requires us to practice with devotion consistently over a long period of time without interruption and with complete detachment from the results (Vairagya). Abhyasa brings us back to our center while Vairagya means not taking any roads that take us away from our center. Results become the effort you put in. We can control the effort but we cannot control the results/outcome.

We must put ourselves forth into the work whatever that may look like for us. Everybody's work will look different and require varying degrees of effort. The effort is up to US. Instead of staying on the surface level, we dig deeper and explore beyond the surface to receive the gems that are hidden beneath the surface. Attempting to take on too many things at one time leaves us making no real progress in any of our fields. From general to specialty.

Start small and be consistent with the 30min a day or 60min a day. Don't bite off more than you can chew. Build momentum and over the course of 60 days or so you'll find it easier to do the thing than not to do the thing. Habit building. It becomes part of your days, weeks, months, and years. It's quite straightforward.. but we tend to overcomplicate life and things. We believe that it must be complicated and complex and therefore we don't get going.

One of my favourite books about this topic is a book by Gary Keller & Jay Papasan:

Do yourself a favour, if you're interested in this sort of thing, get your hands on a copy and read it front to back. Reread it a month later. There are so many gems within this book and I am grateful that I found this book when I did. I keep coming back to it. Share it with others.

Another thing that happens when we focus on less is that we get MORE space within our minds. The mind is more relaxed when we just have to FOCUS on the few things that MATTER. We cannot be everything for everyone. We must be true to ourselves and do what we're interested in. Passion projects? Choose one. Hobbies? Choose one.

This less is more/one thing approach can be applied to all areas of life once we begin to fully get it. Health, wealth, spirituality, physicality, relationships, professional life etc etc.

We have to get out of our own way.

What are you afraid of?

Begin to trust.

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