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The Value of Long Walks

Updated: Jun 18

Walking slows our world down. We are able to take in more than we usually would. All the senses are firing. Once you realize the value of a long walk and what it does to our mind, we become walking advocates. There is a reason some of the greatest artists that have ever existed endorsed long walks. At least and hour a day if not longer. Read up about some of the greats and what they say about the walks they took.

I went for a 90min walk around my parents house here in Cape Town. I didn't see many people walking about since it was Christmas Eve. Late afternoon has been best here in South Africa as it's summer time and very hot during the day. I was able to take some photos and see the sunset. I've got Christmas day with my family before I fly back home to Hong Kong.

It was in Barcelona that I really fell in love with walking. It's my preferred method when exploring a new city in a new country. Therefore our shoes should be comfortable but also provide support for these big days of walking. Once we realize it's about "stretching the mind" when walking and that the physical benefits are just gravy, it becomes very easy to head out for our walks. Morning or evening walks. Have a dog or two, bring them along. Music or no music. Whatever our preference. Switch it up now and again. I could make this post more "scientific" and drag info from the net to explain the benefits of walking. But it's more of a feeling thing in our mind. We can feel the effects post-walk. A clearing and a sense of clarity. The mind settles down as we walk since it's a consistent rhythm that we follow and tune into while walking. We get into a groove of sorts. It's calming and restorative.

"We can never have a bad walk."

This was the realization I had when I was in Europe over the late summer a couple months ago. I was walking between 20 000 to 30 000 steps a day during my 6 nights in Barcelona and about the same when I went over to Mallorca. Easy does it. Took a couple of trains here and there but mostly just using the feet. Barefoot missions in Mallorca. Beaches. We have to get barefoot as regularly as possible. Feel the sand between our toes. The more time we spend walking in nature, the more connected we become to the Source of all creation. We might not get it yet. Keep plugging away. Make time for walks. Feeling stressed? Reach for the walk instead of the bottle. See how you feel after an hour. If we can find some hills to include in our walks, even better.

I believe I'll write many posts about walking. So many insights came through during my 90min walk yesterday evening. However, I practiced staying present and just being a witness to the thoughts and ideas that were coming through. Downloading. Down regulating. Ushering in a sense of ease. Walking meditation. You can do it too. Maybe you find walking boring. This I cannot help you with. Listen to an audiobook or music if you need to. Do whatever it takes. If that's all you can do. It's enough. For your mind!

A walk a day.

One step at a time.

Ideally barefoot.

Observe how the mind relaxes and softens.

Set your pace and keep going.

Stop to take a handful of photos along the way.

We take our inner artist/child on a date.

It might just inspire you.

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