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The most powerful words - "I don't know anything."

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

We are not our mind. Thank God (Good Orderly Direction). The mind fluctuates all the time and especially so when it's thinking about what others are thinking and what others are thinking about us - all the inward dialogue that takes place in trying to keep up an image. In other words, we will not waste time and effort in determining is the image we wish to portray and what it is that others think of it. Instead , we just be ourselves, sincere and true.

The words we say to ourselves, our self-talk, is that important. It shapes our days, weeks, months, and years. We learn how to stack days. We aim for more good days than bad days. Similary to the journey of learning to handstand in the middle of the room - supporting ourselves and our entire bodyweight. Supported by us for us. AND for OTHERS. The others part is just as important.

When we have clarity of mind, we see things more clearly. We become sharp with our tongue and can better able to handle whatever it is life throws our way. We can play the cards that we're dealt. Good or bad hand it doesn't matter. We have the tools to do whatever it takes. The mind, we learn, is very cunning and elusive. Once we have sharpened our intelligence and awareness we become more of a witness to our thoughts rather than a slave to our thoughts and fluctuations. We call it "Witness Consciousness".

Honesty and sincerity are our tools to better handle our monkey-mind ways. It's all a practice. Lifelong observation. We don't need any equipment to practice this observation of ourselves and others. When we practice "I don't know anything", it's very liberating and freeing. The mind relaxes and our being becomes "at ease". All we need to do is be there for the moment but most of the time we're not. Our aim should be to move fluidly with the present and that's it. That's all there is to it. We do not have to overcomplicate life. A complicated life is not easy on our systems. When we're at ease we can be there for ourselves and FOR OTHERS. And it's the latter that we spend most our time upon. Easy does it. Try easy.

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