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Rise and Shine: 5 Morning Rituals for Daily Inspiration

Today, we're delving into the world of morning rituals that will set the tone for a day filled with inspiration and productivity. Let's dive in and uncover the secrets to starting your day right!

1. Seated Breathwork: Inhale... Exhale...

To kick off your morning routine, take 5 to 10 minutes to sit in a comfortable position and focus on your breath. Close your eyes or keep the open, inhale deeply through your nose, and exhale slowly through your nose. Attempting to fill the lungs completely with every inhalation and emptying the lungs with every exhalation. We call this Long Deep Breathing. LDB is very good for expanding our lung capacity and taking in maximum oxygen with every in breath. It promotes healing and helps to build the nervous system. Concentrating on your breath helps clear your mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and create a sense of calm . Give yourself the gift of a few moments of stillness and tranquility. Once we've completed our 5 or 10 minutes of LDB, we can lay on our back in Savasana for 1-2 minutes. Relax deeply and completely here as the breath returns to normal.

2. Stretching for Meditation: A Mind-Body Connection

After your breathwork, incorporate some stretching into your routine. Stretches such as Butterfly Pose, Seated Forward Fold, Happy Baby, Cobra Pose, Seated Wide Legged Forward Fold would be a great start as these postures work on relaxing the hips and legs which will make future sitting sessions a lot easier and more sustainable. These stretches can be help for 1-2 minutes or 10-15 breaths. Stretching helps awaken your muscles and primes your body for the day. Combine stretching with meditation as you focus on each stretch, connecting your mind and body. This practice not only enhances flexibility but also boosts mental clarity and sets a positive mindset for the hours ahead. Aim to be consistent and regular with your daily stretches. Bruce Lee referred to morning stretches as shaking off the rest from the body. The more you do the daily work the easier it becomes to establish consistency. These daily postures will ease the difficulty of sitting still and help manage the resistance the body will put up when we're doing our breathwork.

Our first action when being born into life was to take a breath and now when we are about to begin our journey to be born into Reality, again breath is the place to start.

3. Clearing the Slate for the Day Ahead: Let Go and Move Forward

Before diving into your daily tasks, take a moment to clear the slate. This could be sitting still for a few moments after the breathwork and stretches and just allow. Reflect on any lingering thoughts or worries from yesterday. Acknowledge them, then release them. We might notice that these thoughts come up when breathing or stretching. Liken them to clouds in the sky. Allow the thoughts to pass. Do not run after them or follow them down the next rabbit hole. Embrace a fresh start and visualize a successful day. By letting go of past concerns, you free up mental space for new ideas and opportunities to flow in. We empty out with our exhalations which also works as a way to let go of anything that is not serving us. We become lighter in body and mind over time which gives our days more space to wonder and be present with those we encounter throughout our day. A good mantra to remember: "Thoughts are just that, thoughts. We are not our thoughts."

4. Slowing Down to Prepare for the Day: The Power of Intention

In the midst of a fast-paced world, slowing down is a revolutionary act. We don't have to do one hundred and one things before we jet off to work in the morning. Choose 1 or 2 things that really matter the most. Spend some time writing in a journal whatever that may look like for us. Stream of consciousness writing or just a brain dump. Maybe it's a handful of things that we're grateful for no matter how small. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude sets a positive tone for the day, shifting your perspective towards abundance and joy. Make it a habit to express gratitude daily, and watch how your outlook transforms. Take a few minutes to set intentions for the day. What goals do you want to achieve? How do you want to feel? By aligning your actions with your intentions, you pave the way for a purpose-driven and fulfilling day.

5. The Basics: Breath and Water

As we move through your morning routine, remember the fundamental elements that sustain us - breath and water. Stay hydrated by starting your day with 2 glasses of water. It's a good practice to get this water in before indulging in any coffee or tea that we might want. The body and brain will begin to awaken even more and we'll get our systems online and running. Remember coffee actually dehydrates us and being mindful of water intake throughout the day will help to keep our energy up. Get a 500ml or 1L stainless steel water bottle. Fill it up a couple times during the day. Bring attention to our breath throughout the day, infusing each moment with mindfulness. Simple yet powerful, these basics lay a strong foundation for vitality and well-being.

Morning Magic

Embrace a New Beginning

Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey of morning rituals? Embrace the power of seated breathwork, stretching for meditation, and the practice of gratitude. Your daily inspiration begins now - one breath, one stretch, one moment of gratitude at a time. Let's make each morning a sacred ritual of self-care and empowerment.

By incorporating these morning rituals into your daily routine, you infuse each day with inspiration, mindfulness, and purpose. Remember - a single moment of intention can spark a day of endless possibilities. Start your day right, and allow the magic to unfold.

So, rise and shine - the world is waiting for you to greet it with open arms and a heart full of light and intention.

Remember, your day is what you make of it. Start with these morning rituals, and watch as your life begins to radiate with positive energy and purpose.

Let's embark on this journey together - one sunrise at a time!

OM Peace Peace Peace

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