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Life Through Our Own Eyes

Updated: Jun 18

"Bikshu" - an emptying of our boat. All outside knowledge and or teachings. When we eventually drop it all. What all that is is going to be will vary person to person. The process being similar to when a snake sheds its skin every so often. 2-4 times per year to more precise, older snakes less often. Adults, less often. Herein lies value in this shedding of the old and inviting the new into your soul. Making space. A clearing. Call it what you feel. We feel a sense of aloneness when this shedding takes place. It's different to loneliness. We instead feel a new kind of strength and power that comes from within. Rising up from the depths of our being. This energy finds its way within and may begin to radiate outward.

In B.K.S.'s Light on Yoga he talks about the lens of consciousness. We have a lens facing the outer world and one facing the inner world, our being, our soul. We have to clean both lens' equally in order for the light to not only shine in but also shine out. When one is able to feel this closeness or union, it brings us in touch with a truer and more authentic self. Big I and small I become one and the same thing. All facades are dropped. All the faces. We transcend. We reach out to the world. Teach me.

Dropping it all in order to experience life in a way we have not been used to is going to be scary and exciting. Have you ever travelled with your luggage and upon your return home come to realize that you most certainly overpacked? That you really don't need as much as you have on hand. All the things. What's funny is the same word comes up again and again. LIGHT.

I believe there comes a time in each person's life that one has to ask ourselves the question. How much do I really need? And what for exactly? Purpose.

Travelling teaches us to be light. Or to carry ourselves lightly. Tread lightly. Be light. Get light. It's more fun not having extra baggage. Travelling has so much to do with the title of this post. Experiencing a new city or country means that literally every second of the adventure is brand new and fresh. We're literally seeing things we've never seen before. IN real-time. It's a lot to take in for our senses. What a rush to see a sunrise or sunset in a city!

There it is again. Me mentioning the sun. Light. It's simple. Good morning and good evening. Nature's daily routine for the last who knows. Basic. With so much room for creativity and spontaneity. Thank you for another day.

Rebirth & regeneration.

Maybe the goal of life is to pick up as much as possible along the way as we walk on this path of life or is it just maybe that we need to hold onto our essentials and move through life fluidly and present? I continue to ask questions. I enjoy it. If it weren't a mystery then it wouldn't be interesting. A paid education. Not in any currency that's on the market. It's intangible. These teachings that come through.

It's energy.

A feeling.









And an infinite number of smaller, subtler gems.

When we're lighter, we move with more ease. At a slower pace usually. We can remain dynamic despite us moving slower. Balancing action and inaction. Periods of deep work followed by periods of recovery. Life is cyclic.

Best described as "Cyclic forward movement."

Day in and day out.

It doesn't matter what day of the week. Tuesday always comes after Monday. Sunday always follows Saturday. According to how time and dates were established. Our days become our weeks, our weeks months and our months years. Value each day as it were your last (no it's not your last), but keep it in mind by connecting to one of the basic natural resources surrounding us.



Tomorrow is tomorrow.

What happened today?

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