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How to be the ultimate roommate

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Study the way the household operates.

Make notes.

Pull your weight.

Be considerate.

Wash your fucking dishes.

Pack dishes away.

Leave the kitchen in a state that the next person can do their work in there too.

Contribute physically and financially to the house/flat.

Do wash your own clothes and fold any dry clothes even if it's not yours.

Make your room mates dinner now and again.

Buy snacks. Make sure there is something to smoke.

Don't be noisy. Your house mates have to wake up early to get ready for work.

Don't leave the bathroom in a mess. Uphold the standard of cleanliness you observed in the first week or the first day of your stay.

Don't bring people over unless you've swung it by the roommates.

Keep the "sanctuary" as the standard.

Run errands for your roommates if they need anything from the city/shops.

Give space and don't talk peoples faces off.

Practice listening and being more often than not.

Do attend any parties your roommates throw. Meet other people at these parties.

It's quite easy. Build rapport and foundation. Respect boundaries.

Pay your rent on time.

Be on time.

Support the growth of the sanctuary and continued development of the sanctuary.

Uphold the standard!

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