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It was during a period of self-discovery that Marcel found the gems we now know as yoga and meditation. Marcel began his yoga practice in 2012 after sustaining a knee injury from skateboarding. Yoga physically and mentally helped him to fully recover and further created more stability and space within his life. It led him out of the darkness and into the light, quite literally. Recognising the power of yoga to prevent injury as well as recover from it, his interest was heightened as he began to uncover the vastness of yoga and its origins.

After taking a power yoga class at Yoga life in Cape Town in 2014, Marcel was inspired to deepen his practice and knowledge of yoga. Two years later he ventured to India and took his first 200-hour teacher training in the mountains of Rishikesh at the AYM Yoga School. There, he became more deeply interested in Eastern philosophy and the multifaceted study of yoga.


In 2018, he decided to take Patrick Creelman’s 200-hour teacher training in Hong Kong. The transformation that Marcel witnessed inspired him to fully commit to building a path in yoga and to help people experience an incredibly powerful change in body, mind and spirit. Noy Petchwikai's teachings have also played a profound role in expanding Marcel's understanding of yoga. He continues to cultivate patience and discipline in his own practice and strives to share these virtues with all his students.

Marcel draws from various yoga styles and philosophies and incorporates them into his practice and teaching. His classes range from intelligent inversions to steady vinyasa flows as well as more grounded hatha classes. Marcel is approachable and understanding as a teacher and his intention is to provide a learning environment for students to discover their own potential. His teaching philosophy is one that aims to establish the connection between the breath and the mind to build immense inner strength. Through his yoga classes, Marcel hopes to help students increase mobility and strength whilst leaving them with a sense of inner peace.

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